Saturday, April 19, 2008


Hey there! So I haven't posted in ages.... in case your new to this blog it's all about finding yourself in God. I can honestly say that God works, because I've seen Him work in my life. If you haven't met Him your missing out. I encourage you to try praying, reading the Bible (John is a good book to start). If you've been here before, hello friend! Check out the new movie Expelled by Ben Stein (in Theatres), it's really thought provoking and not boring!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Lifehouse Everything Skit

Thursday, December 27, 2007


If you have any questioins about life or anything please don't hesitate to leave a comment with your question and I'll do my very best to answer it! God Bless.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Where does the concept of sin come from?

"when u tell that god wants to erase our past... do u mean that he will forgive us for all the sins that we have committed..i dont agree with this. I think whatever you do in this life , on this earth, ur karmas will be that and you will have to pay for ur deeds gud or bad .. here on this earth and in this life itself.There is one more concept in this post that i have heard a lot of time. That we are sinners. why do u think that way? I think when god gave us the birth of human beings, someone who is intelligent and who can think.. he has blessed us and haS given us the oppurtunity to do the right things and make this world a better place. Where does this concept of sin come then?"
These are really good questions! And I'm glad that Raven has asked them.
Yes Raven, when I say that God wants to erase our past I mean the sin that we as human being have committed. God is a holy and just God who loves us and wants to have a relationship with us. He gave us His 10 Commandments (Deuteronomy 5) for our benefit as a loving parent gives us boundaries for our well being. We of course don't obey and break that relationship. So God in His goodness provided a way to restore us to Himself (I'll get back to that in a minute.) We first need to admit we have broken God's law by: lying (you'd be lying if you said you never ever lied), stealing something (even from your Mom's purse), disobeyed our parents, and committed adultery (with our mind, actions, and sex outside of marriage.) Or whatever law we've broken. God has given us intelligence and the opportunity to do what is right. But we like our way better and refuse His love (sometimes subconsciously sometimes not). God designed us in His image (Genesis 1:26). He did not design animals in His image, we are His favorite! He wants to adopt us if we will repent(be sorry and turn away from our sins) of our disobedience. God has everything we need. But we refuse His help.
Back to God providing a way for us. Romans 5:8 But God demonstrated His own love towards us in while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Jesus paid the price to restore us to the Father, not because we are so good and perfect but because He loves us and wants us with Him always! We can accept or reject God. The Bible says one day we will give an account for what we did with the free gift of Jesus. You are either for God or against Him (no in between). He wants to forgive us but we need to be wilingl to humbly ask for help. Our pride at times does get the best of us..... I know I've been there.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

My Story, The short version....

Without God, my life would mean absolutely nothing. It's because of God that I have a loving family and am safe. I'm adopted, that means my birth parents couldn't take care of me so I got a new family. If I hadn't been adopted I would most likely have been on the streets, into drugs, abused or bounced around from family to family.

God's kind of like an adoptive parent, that's what He is to me and so much more. I am a sinner , there isn't a human being who hasn't sinned against God. I've lied, thought bad thoughts about someone, disobeyed my parents, and Lord knows a lot more. Without God we live an empty life and are slaves to our sin. The price of sin is death. Because God is a very good God he can't let sin into heaven, when we die God would have to send us to hell. Not because he hates us but because we are dirty with sin.

God loves me and you so much that He gave us a way to be cleaned from our sins. God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to earth and He lived a perfect life. Never once sinned. Jesus then died for the price of my sin and yours too. It was our sin that nailed Him to the cross. Then on the third day God raised Him from the dead.

God has offered me the chance to become apart of His loving family. I said out loud that Jesus was my Lord (king of my heart), I believe that God rose Him up from the third day and repented (was sorry for my sins and turned away from my sin). We can do all things through Christ who gives us the strength. You can do the same thing! It's the only way to become free from the bad stuff we've done, and nothing is more precious then having the Love of Jesus in our lives. Please get right with God, He wants to erase your past and give you a clean future with Him

I'm a good person